2023 Adventures in Review


This year saw a lot of adventures and journeys. From the high deserts of New Mexico to the deep jungles of the Amazon as well as finally visiting all 50 states and all five Great Lakes. This was a great year for adventures.

Santa Fe, New Mexico: Made it to all 50 States

New Mexico was the last of the 50 states I needed to visit and I spent several days in Santa Fe along with my old navy buddy Gary. Besides eating green hatch chiles and drinking spicy margaritas, we hiked along some of the most iconic areas of Santa Fe, including Fort Union and the Santa Fe Trail. Even visited an old west cemetery by covered wagon mountain and took a drive along the turquoise trail to Madrid, NM.

After my friend left to head back to Texas, I spent my last day fly fishing up in the mountains. truly a great trip and glad Gary was there.

Lakes Huron and Superior

My son lives in Toronto (great city) and my daughter outside of Chicago. This allowed me to visit the kiddos while also taking advantage of their proximity to the last two of the Great Lakes I needed to visit.

My son and I enjoyed the shores of Georgian Bay along the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario, where we hiked, went cave exploring, boating and fishing on the lake.

My daughter, her dog and I made a road trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and rented a cabin by Lake Superior. While it was not possible to fish, we did make several nice hikes in the Pictured Rocks National Park, visited the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum and a 150-year old cranberry farm.

Amazon Jungle Adventure: Rio Gauriba

This trip to the Amazon was all I hoped it to be and more. The trip was one big adventure, just getting to the fishing lodge was an adventure: 2hour bush plane ride over the Amazon followed by a 4 hour boat ride to the lodge, deep in the jungle.

The fishing was superb. The lodge and the food was simple, but comfortable. made life long friends and got to explore a part of Brazil I didn’t know.

I’m going back to the Amazon in January 2024 to the Rio Negro.

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