Back from my Amazon Expedition


Not sure where to start, but I am back from 2 weeks in the Amazon jungle, fishing, exploring and enjoying a full Amazon adventure.

While I have a lot to unpack and write, content wise, here’s the highlights. Stay tuned for more detailed posts and videos on each of these topics.


I spent 4 full days in the capital city of Amazonas state, using it as a base of exploration of the city’s pre- and post colonial history including the rubber booms and busts. Went swimming with the dolphins and saw the amazing meeting of the waters where the Rio Negro and the Solimões meet to form the Amazon River proper.

Amazon Jungle

In addition to opening a full 7 days deep in the jungle fishing, I also too k time to visit a rubber plantation along he Rio Negro, a floating Indian Village and climb to the top of the jungle canopy, 40 meters above the forest floor.


This was the primary goal and the Amazon did not disappoint. We fished the Rio Guariba, a tributary of the Rio Aripuanã, which is a tributary to the Rio Madeira which is a tributary of the Amazon.

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