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Fishing Report: Offshore Sail fishing

Yesterday was an awesome day on the water (well, any day really is).

Weather was cold for South Florida with low to mid 40s warming up to mid 60s by the afternoon. Wind was blowing SE at 7-10 mph and the seas were relatively calm.

After catching our live bait, pilchards and sardines as well as being armed with live goggle eye and ballyhoo we headed offshore for sailfish.

Most of the action was in the first few hours hooking sailfish but only getting one to the boat. The sail then broke off right at the boat, after we secured the leader, officially making it a catch! — but before any cool pictures could be taken. But we did get this video — see the 3:24 mark for the amazing aerial acrobatics.

My friend, Mark, his first time fishing, caught a big barracuda which we later used for shark bait.

We went 2 for 3 on the sharks with Mark landing a massive 300 pound bull shark in about 115 feet of water. The bull had a tag and we attempted three times to remove the tag from the shark In the water before finally succeeding. Shark was not happy we were trying to remove the tag.

Bull shark

videos will be posted separately of the bull shark, so stay tuned or subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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